Tuesday, March 09, 2010



因為許多朋友問3月10日的今天是寄件或收件的截止日,先稍微說明,我們是以收件3月10日為截止日但是若遲了一天我們還是會收的,只是在評審時分數會有所斟酌。大概一個禮拜之後,我們也打算把收件的清單貼上這本網站,請大家注意,入圍的清單與2010年播放時間表要4月1日左右宣佈,我們會以本網站和 Facebook 發這個訊息。之外,今年的國外影片也有一些很大很大的消息,事情一確認,就馬上跟大家分享!

First, thanks to all who've sent in films. We've got the coffee makers running and look forward to seeing some really good shit. If you're worried your package will arrive late, we will check the mailbox again tomorrow and Friday. In a week or so, we will post a list of received entries, and we will announce the schedule around April 1. Before that time, we also have some big (and we mean really big!) announcements about our feature film program. You can check all the news here and on Facebook. Thanks again!

tha Urban Nomadz