Sunday, August 16, 2009

The Yes Men Go Surfing

8/30 (日) Sunday 17:00-18:00


媒體惡搞高手沒問題俠客從未播公開的短片。他們已經做出來兩部長片,其中最新的準備在台灣上院,預告片在下面的 YouTube,看看吧!

The Yes Men are a duo of media jamming activists, who among other things, have posed as representative of Dow Chemicals in an interview with BBC World, then told the world they would put US$12.1 billion to compensation and cleanup of the 1984 Bhopal gas disaster, the worst industrial accident in history. The Yes Men have two feature films to date (check the trailer for the new one below). For this segment, they've given us a selection of rare clips and outtakes, some of which have never been seen before. We've made a mashup of these, throwing in a couple of surf/skate videos for flavor.